Various Videos taken over the years on Various subjects - Fire- Rescue- EMS-9/11-and NYC
MY Fine Art America website- photos from my collections
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. When I take a photo, it feels like I have captured that moment forever. As time goes on and our memories fade, we may forget certain details of our experiences and encounters. When I look at my photos, they never fail to jog my memory and allow me to reminisce about the past.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. When I take a photo, it feels like I have captured that moment forever. As time goes on and our memories fade, we may forget certain details of our experiences and encounters. When I look at my photos, they never fail to jog my memory and allow me to reminisce about the past. When you read a story, your imagination portrays the images in your mind. When you look at a photo, you get a much clearer picture. In the near future, I will be writing stories along with photos of various incidents that I have photographed over the years. Through my photography and video, I hope to keep the history of my experiences with the FDNY & EMS alive for many future generations to come.
I will add an image and tell the story about that image. I will start adding to this gallery soon
Images of Buildings and Landmarks in and around New York City.
Spectacular Photo Collages. They look great hanging on my walls. Each collage is done by eye, I have to like and feel that everything matches together. No two Collages are alike.
Images taken on 9/11/01.
These images were taken during the first months of the Clean-up and Recovery Operation. The underground fires are still burning. You can see the pit and the pile. A lot of work has been done, I have so many mixed emotions looking at "Ground Zero".
More Image fromThe Clean-up and recovery Operation
Part Three of the Clean-up and recovery Operation at "Ground Zero"
New York City FDNY, Firefighting and EMS, Everything 9/11/01 related and Landmark Buildings Photography and Video.
I made over 300 visits to document the Rebuilding of the World trade Center. You can see the progression of the results of construction.
I traveled all over the borough of Manhattan to get these images of Houses of Worship. It took a number of years to collect these images. Most of these Houses of God are beautiful.
Images taken at various times of Greenwich Village. There have been numerous changes to the stores and restaurants that was once a staple of the neighborhood. High rents have forced businesses to relocate or close
Broadway Theatre Photos and everything else Broadway, 42nd Street, and Times Square
Various Landmarks and buildings in Village, Town, and Cities on Long Island, In Nassau and Suffolk County
Various Parades and events taken over the years
Individual Spectacular Fire Photography Photos taken throughout the years
Major Disasters in the NYC AREA. Explosions, Major Fires, Plane Crashes, Building Collapses, Transportation incidents, Multiple Casualty Incidents, etc
Pre and Post Merger NYC FDNY EMS Images
FDNY--EMS - APPARATUS and Various Vehicles, and Fire Boats
Everything NYPD from My Collection taken over the Years. Included are Vehicles, Station Houses, Assorted equipment, Emergency Service
Everything 9/11/01 Related. Ceremonies, Memorials, 9/11 Events, Funerals, Demonstrations
Hurricane Sandy - Images of the Destruction taken at various times and location
Various Lighthouse photos taken during my Travels
My Travel Photography Photos taken while on vacation, Foreign and domestic travel including, Historic Landmarks
Every Year the FDNY Emerald Society Pipe Band has a Sunset Ceremony at the World Trade Center to honor the lost brothers who were murdered on 9/1101. To me, this is the most uplifting ceremony. The pipe band marches to the end of 4 WTC and back.Each year the Military is also honored. The Pipe Band also gathers in a circle and toasts lost Brothers
The annual reading of the names of First Responders who passed away from 9/11 illnesses this past year